Petition of Nathan and Judson Stiles to the Connecticut General Assembly Requesting that Indian Land be Partitioned
To the Honorable General Assembly Now Sitting at New Haven within and for the State of Connecticut
The petition of Judson and Nathan Stiles of Derby in New Haven County humbly sheweth that they are tenants in common with a number of Indians whose names are the following, viz.: Frank Freeman and Esther, his wife, Andrew Moses, John Moses, Philip Pomp, Mary Seymour, and Ely Seymour of a certain piece of land situate in said Derby, bounded as follows, viz.: beginning at the northeast corner at a heap of stones lying on the bank of Bottom Brook, so-called, thence southward in a straight line to a certain rock on the bank of Naugatuck River, thence northwardly and westwardly upon said river, in part, and part on highway and land sold some time since by the Indians to John Wooster until it comes to the land of Bradford Steel, Jr., thence running by said land and land belonging to Nathan Stiles to the river, thence northwardly and eastwardly by said River to Bottom Brook, thence eastwardly by said brook to the first mentioned bounds, containing about thirty-three acres, two thirds1 of said land is now owned by your petitioners and one third by said Indians. And your petitioners cannot make partition of said land with said Indians because said Indians by law have no right to make partition thereof.
Whereupon your petitioners pray Your Honors to take their case into your wise consideration2 and appoint some suitable person to make partition for and in behalf of said Indians with full power to make and execute good and authentic partition deeds as the case shall require or in some other way grant relief.
And they as in duty bound shall ever pray,
Legislative Action: |
In the House of Representatives, granted the prayer of this memorial with liberty of a bill, etc. Test, Zephaniah Swift, Clerk. Concurred in the Upper House. Test, George Wyllys, Secretary / Judson and Nathan Stiles Memorial, October 1793 / Passed Lower House / Passed Upper House / Bill / Passed Lower House / Passed Upper House / x |
Cataloguing: |
11a, 11b, 14 |