Memorial of the Selectmen from the Town of Milford Requesting an Appointment of an Overseer for the Turkey Hill Indians

To the Honorable General Assembly of the State of Connecticut Now sitting at Hartford within Said State

The memorial of John Ford, Jeremiah Baldwin, and Joseph Pratt, Jr., all of Milford in New Haven County, selectmen of said town, humbly sheweth that said town anciently set off for the use of the Indians of said town one hundred acres of land lying in said Milford at a place called Turkey Hill, adjoining upon Housatonic River west and Derby1 north, which land in part is valuable for timber, and that many people enter upon cut and destroy the same, so that unless some measures are adopted the whole in a short time will be2 wasted, and that said Indians make complaint of the same to your petitioners.

Your memorialists therefore3 pray Your Honors to appoint some suitable person a conservator of said Indians to advise and direct4 them in in the management of their affairs with power to prosecute trespasses that shall be committed on said land, or in some other way grant relief.

As your petitioners in duty bound shall ever pray,

John Ford
Jeremiah Baldwin
Joseph Pratt, Jr.
Dated at Hartford, May 23, 1791

Legislative Action:

In the House of Representatives, the prayer of this memorial is granted and liberty for a bill, etc.  Test, Uriah Tracy, Clerk / In the Upper House, the prayer of this memorial is negatived.  Test, George Wyllys, Secretary / Milford Selectmen's Memorial / May 1791 / Passed Lower House / Negatived Upper House


27a, 27b / 33

  • 1. Deleted Text: line
  • 2. Deleted Text: destroyed,
  • 3. Deleted Text: humbly
  • 4. Deleted Text: said Indians