Petition of Henry Matthews
To the Honorable General Assembly of the State of Connecticut to Be Holden at New Haven on the First Wednesday of May A.D. 18501
The petition of Henry Mathews of the town of Montville, County of New London respectfully represents that he is a member of the Mohegan Tribe of Indians, a tribe of Indians located in the aforesaid Town of Montville, that he desires to leave said Town of Montville and remove to the State of Wisconsin. That he is unable to do so without disposing of his real estate in said Town of Montville and using the proceeds thereof for the purpose aforesaid. That a part of his said real estate was given to him by Parthenia Horsecoat at her death by a will duly executed. That the real estate, so given, was the individual estate of said Parthenia Horsecoat and a part of your petitioner’s real estate is in the undivided lands of said Mohegan Tribe of Indians. That the situation of his real estate is such that he cannot derive but little advantage therefrom. He, therefore, prays Your Honorable Body to grant to him the right to sell and convey his said real estate to the tribe or individuals of the tribe or other persons and that the overseers of said tribe be authorized to purchase in the name of the tribe such interest as your petitioner may have in the undivided lands of said tribe.
And as in duty bound your petitioner will ever pray.
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- 1. The first Wednesday in May 1850 was May 1st.