Resolution upon the Memorial of Richard Ranney

May 1757

Upon the memorial of Richard Ranney of Newtown in the County of Fairfield representing to this Assembly that he is one of the heirs and descendants of Robin, an Indian sachem late of Middletown in the County of Hartford, deceased, to whom with other Indians certain lands in said Middletown on the east side of Connecticut River were granted by the proprietors of said Middletown, and which are still owned and claimed by the descendants of said Indians, that he has been educated among the English and been Christianized, and is desirous to have his right and proportion of said lands aparted and set out to him so that he may enter upon and improve such his property after the English manner. But by reason of the confusion and uncertainty of the Indian title descents etc., he is unable to determine in certain his proportion of right

in said lands or to adjust the same with the other Indian claimants of said lands, praying the aid of the Assembly therein and that a committee may be appointed to enquire etc. as by the memorial on file appears.

Resolved by this Assembly that John Chester and Thomas Wells, Esqs., be and they are hereby appointed a committee to enquire into and concerning the matters and things set forth and requested in said memorial and make report of what they shall find with their opinion thereon to the General Assembly of this colony to be holden at New Haven in October next.

            Legislative Action:       Concurred in the Lower House.  Test, Jabez Huntington, Clerk        

                                                Passed in the Upper House, George Wyllys, Secretary          

            Cataloguing:                134a
