Cowles, Isaac, 1756 - 1837
Isaac Cowles was the son of Solomon Cowles and Martha Seymour of Farmington, Connecticut. He served as a sergeant in the 1st Company of Hooker's 15th Colonial Militia from May 1776 to May 1785. In 1776, Cowles served under Capt. John Porter in New York. Quartermaster Jonathan Bull appointed him quartermaster-sergeant, a position he held until the end of the war.
In June of 1789, Cowles was promoted to lieutenant and four years later in 1793 became major. In 1796 he rose to the rank of lieutenant-colonel commandant of the 15th Connecticut Militia. By 1813, he was promoted to lieutenant-colonel of a corps raised in Connecticut.
Cowles became a man of wealth, the owner of several large farms and a lucrative tavern on the town's main street. Cowles served as a colonel in the Connecticut Militia and one of Farmington's tax collectors.
Farmington, Village of Beautiful Homes, 153. Hartford Courant, Feb. 4, 1783, p. 3. Cowles, The Genealogy of the Cowles Families in America, Vol. 1, 118
July 29, 1756Died:
June 5, 1837Ethnicity