Hull, Latham, 1784 - 1857

Latham Hull was the son of Latham Hull, Sr., and Desire Williams of North Stonington, Connecticut. 
His name appears in the State appointed overseer records as early as 1822.  In the summer of 1838, he provided goods to Eastern Pequot tribal members, Prudence Fagins and Henry or Hannah Shantup.  The following year, he gave provisions to Moses Brushell, tended to Thomas Nedson's cow, and made a gate for an enclosure on the Eastern Pequot reservation.  From 1839 to 1840, Hull rented the pasture at Indian Town.  After a petition from the tribe to remove their overseer, Ezra Hewitt in 1841, Hull was among a number of North Stonington men to respond with a petition of their own supporting Hewitt, going against the wishes of the tribe.
Hull was elected as a representative from his town to the Connecticut General Assembly in 1833.  He served on a select committee to investigate the petition of Doctor Vine Utley for compensation for services rendered to the Niantic Tribe of Indians.   
Find A Grave (Stanton-Hull Cemetery, Stonington, CT).

August 28, 1857