Waukeet, Mary, 1797 - 1851
Mary Waukeet was the sister of Martha, Lucy and George Waukeet. Although she may have initially removed with her two sisters to the Brothertown community in what was then Wisconsin Territory, she and her sister Lucy ultimately returned to coastal Connecticut. According to the Niantic overseer, Mary Waukeet married Lemuel Olney, described as a colored man, not a member of the Tribe and, accordingly, the two children of that union, Benjamin and Mary Ann, were not considered eligible for tribal benefits nor were their descendants. In April of 1812 Lemuel Olney posted that he was not to be held responsible for any debts accrued by his wife. By 1820 there were five individuals living in the Olney household in Lyme. Lemuel died in January of 1824 leaving behind his widow Mary Olney. At some point prior to leaving for Brothertown, Mary Waukeet Olney married a man with the last name Paul. In 1850 Mary Paul was residing in New London, CT with the family of Benjamin Olney, her son. Mary Waukeet Olney Paul died in New London, CT, December 14, 1851. De Loss Love, Samson Occom, 355, 366; CHS, Misc Documents, no date; Brown and Rose, Black Roots, 279, 291.