Committee Report on the Distribution of Tunxis Land into Lots
Individual allocation of Tunxis property in the 200-acre reservation, the East Haven allotment, and the Indian Neck redistribution. Document Links
Connecticut Collection, Connecticut General Assembly, Law, Land/Property, Farmington Land, Conveyance/Land Sale, Farmington -- Pequabuck Meadow, Farmington -- Common Land, Farmington -- East Haven Grant, Farmington -- Northwest Division, Farmington -- Tier Lands, Farmington -- Fort Hill, Farmington -- Indian Neck, Land Rights, Common Land, Connecticut State LibraryRelated Biographies:
- Adams, Abigail II
- Adams Way, Abigail, 1731 - 1822
- Adams, Andrew
- Adams, John (Quinnipiac-Tunxis)
- Adams, Ruth, - 1785
- Adams, Samuel (Tunxis), 1734 - 1800
- Adams, Sarah (Tunxis), 1752 -
- Adams, Simeon
- Adams, Solomon, - 1783
- Adams Deliverance, Sarah
- Bishop, Samuel, Jr., 1698 - 1779
- Charles, Catherine
- Charles, Susannah
- Cronnock, James
- Curricomp, Abigail (wife of Thomas)
- Curricomp, Andrew II, 1747 -
- Curricomp, Lois
- Curricomp, Phebe
- Curricomp, Thomas
- Cusk, James, Sr.
- Cusk, James, Jr.
- Jacobs, Catherine
- Jacobs, Eunice
- Jacobs, John, - 1768
- Mossuck, Solomon, 1723 - 1802
- Nepash, Betty
- Peet, John
- Porter, John, Jr.
- Quichick, Catherine
- Robbins, Hannah
- Robbins, Ruth
- Sanchuse, Abigail
- Shilling, Abigail, 1729 - 1802
- Shilling, John
- Mawehu, Sarah (Chuse Squa)
- Strong, John, 1705 - 1777
- Towsey, David, - 1778
- Sarah (dau of Timothy)
- Wadsworth, Hezekiah, 1722 - 1810
- Wampey, Charles (Elder), - 1777
- Wampey, Elijah, 1734 - 1802
- Wampey Robbins, Hannah, 1737 - 1827
- Wawowos, James, - 1778
- Rachel, dau/Timothy (Tunxis)
- Wawowos Mossuck, Eunice, 1722 - 1807
- Whitman, Solomon, 1710 - 1803
- Wyllys, George, 1710 - 1796
Original Date:
1777 MayRights:
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Connecticut State Library, Connecticut Archives, Indians, Series 1 (1647-1789), Vol. 2, Doc.199Sponsors: