Eastern Pequot Overseer Account from June 21, 1838 to June 3, 1839


Ezra Hewitt in account current with Pequot Indian North Stonington




June 21

To balance due on settlement                                                 

$ 41.13

June 21

To interest on balance


June 21

To paid court fees


June 21

To one day attending court and expenses, etc.


June 23 

To one half gallon molasses for Prue Fagins 25 cents, seven pounds flour 34 cents, and one half bushel corn 67 cents


June 28

To cash paid for setting H. Shantup’s1 shoulder


June 30

To paid Latham Hull, Jr., for articles furnished Prue Fagins


June 30

To paid David Holmes for coffin  for Prue Fagins


July 2

To paid Charles Fagins for digging grave for Prue Fagins                


July 5

To one half bushel corn for H. Shantup


September 10

To one half bushel corn for H. Shantup                                                                               


November 15

To one half bushel corn 67 cents, six pounds codfish at 5 cents,  30 cents


December 5

To one pair thick boots for H. Shantup   


December 12

To two testaments for Thomas Nedson's children


December 20

To paid George Hewitt & Company for one pair thick shoes for H. Shantup


December 20

To paid George Hewitt & Company for one pair thick shoes for Ned Nedson


December 20

To paid George Hewitt & Company for three yards beaverteen2 [for] Lem Shelly 2/


December 21

To paid Colonel George Ayer for keeping Philena


December 21      

To one half bushel corn meal H. Shantup


December 27

To paid Colonel John W. Hull for making wall and Ned Shelly




January 4

To one broadcloth3 coat for H. Shantup 4 dollars, one vest 50 cents


January 4

To one sheet 50 cents, one quarter bushel meal H. Shantup 27 cents


January 16

To paid Jude Talsbury for keeping H. Shelly's child


May 10

To four pounds mess pork4 at 14 cents, 56 cents, three pounds rice 18 cents, and one pound candles  19 cents


May 10

To one pound crackers 10 cents and one half bushel corn 67 cents for Thomas Nedson


May 28

To four pounds rice 24 cents, five pounds mess pork at 14 cents, 70 cents


May 30

To eight yards calico5 Philena 1/ $1.34. June 3, one half bushel corn 67 cents and five pounds mess pork 70 cents for Thomas Ned


June   3

To paid Latham Hull, Jr., for articles furnished  H. Shantup


June   3

To paid Thomas P. Wattles for doctoring as per contract   


June   3

To paid my services superintending as Overseer







Supra Credit


December 25

By cash for rent pasture received of Colonel John W. Hull



Balance due

$ 39.37




Ezra Hewitt, Overseer


North Stonington, 1839


Judicial Action:

Ezra Hewitt account with Pequot Indians.  Accepted, 1838


223 / 201 / Files June 1839

  • 1. Either Hannah or Henry Shantup
  • 2. A heavily-wefted fabric of the moleskin type, used cheifly for heavy trouserings.
  • 3. Broadcloth is a dense, plain woven cloth, traditionally made of wool. Its finishing procedure makes it highly hard wearing and weather-resistant. Wikipedia.
  • 4. Mess pork is barreled salt pork made from shoulders and sides of lightweight hogs cut in pieces of about 4 pounds each. Merriam-Webster.
  • 5. In the United States, calico is a generic term for a plain weave cotton or blended fabric that usually having small busy printed pattern. The Fairchild Books Dictionary of Textiles.