Transfer of two acres of land in Farmington Meadow to a Farmington colonist for four coats and six shillings and other considerations because of an existing debt
Nannouch's mortgage of two acres of land at Farmington Meadow, near the corn mill at Indian Neck for payment of Wenemo's fine for stealing several items from John Bates' house.
Transfer from two Tunxis at Stockbridge to a Tunxis woman at Chatham of three acres of land and one-half of a dwelling house on the west side of Farmington meadow for 12 pounds, 10 shillings
Geography, Land, & the Environment, Culture & Society, Politics, Power, & Sovereignty, Arts & Abstract Ideas
Transfer of all the land Hatchet Towsey owns on the west side of the meadow (which lies undivided with the rest of the Tunxis proprietors) to his son, John